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LIVE Better, Inc.

Bettering Lives Through Health Literacy

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Who We Are

LIVE Better wants to impress upon us all, to invest in our community's health.  We must act now, from the youngest to the eldest, to foster good health through generations.


What we pass down from one generation to the next, with regard  to wealth and HEALTH, not only makes them productive members of society, but gives them the tools and knowledge to live long enough to enjoy the fruits of their labor.


Lessons of good health behaviors, literally last a lifetime!

"Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding disease or fighting it."

~Heather Morgan, MS, NLC


Relevant, Important Updates

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State of Childhood Obesity

Nutrition quote by Hippocrates

Contact Us

Interested in what we do? Or, like our programs and want us to bring our messages and programs of good health to your organization or business?  Send us a message and let's chat!  We would love to hear from you.

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